Book report: "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" by Ann Brashares

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The book is about 4 girls, who were best friends: Carmen, Tibby, Bridget and Lena. In the story was about the summer holiday, they were to spend it separatly for the first time. Carmen went to visit her dad, who divorced with her mom, and she discovered that her dad was going to get remarried. She accepted her dad's new family and the relationship between her and her dad has improved as they communicated more often. …

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…decided to take turns in keeping the jeans, in which they believed will bring them good luck. What I like about this book is that I didn't only just read some stories of romance and friendship, but it was a story about life, relationship with friends and family. It also showed me that even though my friends and I will experience different things, but we can still maintain the friendship and support one and another.