Black Advancement and Equality

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Black Advancement and Equality The late 1960's was a time of love, happiness and the struggle for civil rights. On August 28, 1963, approximately over half a million people met on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to fight for the passing of the civil rights bill. Up on the stage was one of the most influential and compelling leaders of all time, Martin Luther King. A split second after King's last sentence of "I Have …

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…equal treatment. King continues to get raising applause and cheers. Then he states, "From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring (paragraph 4)!" He repeats this so that it will spread equality and peace throughout the world. Every person standing in the Lincoln Memorial gazed in excitement over King's greatness. The words of King were told with such great power and commanding enthusiasm. From that day on, America and black advancement was changed forever.