Birth Order

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The correlation between birth order and personality have intrigued many. Are first-borns selfish overachievers? Are all middle children destined to be like Jan Brady? Do last-borns really turn out to be "the favorites" of the parents? These and many other questions have and are still being explored by psychologists. The renowned psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler wrote that a person's position in the family leaves an undeniable "stamp" on his or her "style of life". Research …

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…and tendencies that may apply. An individual's upbringing, socio-economic status, environment, and genetic makeup are all among the contributing factors. The sexes of the siblings, the amount of years spaced between them, and even physical appearance all impact one's overall personality. But no matter what spot a person occupies in a family, there are always forces that can intervene and turn things around. Personality is far too complex to be solely determined by birth order.