Birth Control Methods

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Having sex is about making choices. Where better to start off then by choosing the right birth control? Choosing birth control should not be a hard process but there are a few things to look at. The history, all the different methods, risks or side effects, and the effectiveness of each method. A great set back in life could be a unintended pregnancy, so why not protect yourself from living out the life you want. …

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…a record launch of birth-control products in the United States,"says Elof Johansson, M.D, Ph.D, Vice President and director of the Population Council's Center for Biomedical Research (Shelton).Being on birth control does not mean you have to have sex, it is also a way of helping acne and regulating you period. There are many types of birth control out there you just need to choose the one that is right for you.