Biological Weapon Effects on Biological Diversity.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
"The cost of developing small-scale but nonetheless sophisticated bioweapons facilities and arsenals is in the range of $10,000 to $100,000" (Dudley 590). Natural viruses are readily and inexpensively available and have just as much capability as other viruses to disrupt the biological diversity. Biological weapons can have serious ramifications on the biological diversity as a whole, and not just to the ones in which the biological weapons are created for. Will a biological weapon effect only a certain …

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…feel the effect of the biological weapon. "Failures in the prevention and containment of bioweapons disease outbreaks could result in the erosion of genetic diversity in wild and domesticated animal species, the extinction of endangered species, the extirpation of indigenous peoples, and the destruction of human livelihoods and traditional cultures" (Dudley 591). Works Cited Dudley, Joseph P. and Michael H. Woodford. "Bioweapons, Biodiversity, and Ecocide: Potential Effects of Biological Weapons on Biological Diversity." BioScience July 2002: 583-591.