Biography of Man Ray.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
A short biography: Man Ray was born on August 27, 1890, in Philadelphia, and moved to New York with his family seven years later. From 1909 to 1912 he studied at the Francisco Social Center Academy of Art, New York while frequently visiting Alfred Stieglitz's gallery "291". He attended classes at the Ferrer Center in 1912 for drawing and watercolors. Man Ray attempted to form an artist's commune in 1913 with the poet Alfred Kreymborg. He had his first solo show at …

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…of course a photographer. Given the many fields in which he demonstrated his talent, the fact that he is today known primarily for his photography, is due to the great volume of his photographic work, and the number of his photographs published in books and periodicals. To sum him up, Man Ray was a "master of the captured and created image, a man of sparkling wit and a lover of beautiful women" (Man Ray, pg. 8)