Biography of James Madison's life...this paper discusses his education, achievements, his background, and his contemporaries.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, at the home of his maternal grandparents in Port Conway, Virginia. Soon after, he returned with his mother to their home in Orange County. He received basic education from home, and then went to preparatory school before entering the College of New Jersey at Princeton in 1769. While there, he received standard education in Latin and Greek studies, and also learned about principles from his religious teachers. He received his …

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…stayed active and interested in politics. In 1819 Madison founded the American Colonization Society dedicated to freeing slaves and transporting them to the West Coast of Africa. Madison served on the board of visitors at the University of Virginia. Madison briefly came out of retirement at the age of 79 to attend the 1829 Virginia Constitutional Convention. On June 28, 1836 James Madison died at Montpelier at the age of 85. He was buried in the Family Cemetery on the plantation.