Biography of George Washington

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
George Washington The founding fathers, Adams, Washington, Madison, and Jefferson all have had an immense impact on the United States. Although all of them have done many great things, the one president that really sticks out for doing great things is George Washington. Washington took many great domestic polices and actions. He also had many superior foreign actions. Lastly, he was an honest character. George Washington took many remarkable actions to help the United States …

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…the country hoping to prevent sectionalism. Basically, Washington was a good person who cared about his people. Conclusively, you can see that George Washington was the superior president out of the four. He had character, he took great domestic actions, and he also took great foreign actions. This tells you that he was the best. He also had nothing to work off of because he was the first president. George Washington is the best president.