Biography of Cesar Chavez, describing his life and accomplishments.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
One night in the 1880's, a man named Cesario Chavez crossed the border from Chihuahua, Mexico, to El Paso, Texas. He was fleeing the hardships of his homeland to make a better life in the United States for his family. Decades later, his grandson, Cesar Chavez, would make a stand in the fields of California to fight for a better life for all farm workers. Cesario and his wife Dorotea worked very hard. Their children …

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…ever about dignity, justice, and fairness. He is still ready to sacrifice for what he believes is right. "fighting for social justice, it seems to me, is one of the profoundest ways in which man can say yes to man's dignity, and that really means sacrifice," Cesar has said. "There is no way on this earth in which you can say yes to man's dignity and know that you're going to be spared some sacrifice."