Biography of Carl Friedrich Gauss.

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Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Gauss was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick. The German scientist and mathematician is called the founder of modern mathematics. His work in physics and astronomy is as good as his work in mathematics. Biographists say that he got his good health from his father. Gauss said that he could count before he could talk. When he was seven years old he went to school. While Gauss was in school, his school …

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…from the new marriage. The last days were difficult, but between heart attacks Gauss read a great deal, half lying in an easy chair. The end came about a month later. In the morning of February 23, 1855 Gauss died peacefully in his sleep. He was seventy-seven years old. Bibliography Hall, T., Carl Friedrich Gauss, The Massachusetts Institute of _ _ _ _Technology, 1970. Muir, Jane, Of Men and Numbers: The Story of Great Mathematicians. _ _ _ _Dodd, Mead, and Co, New York, 1961.