Biography for Paul O'Neal, former chairman of Alcoa and treasury secretary during the Bush administration.

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Paul O'Neal Former Chairman and CEO, Alcoa Inc Paul O'Neill was chairman and CEO of Alcoa from 1987 to 1999, and retired as chairman at the end of 2000. Prior to joining Alcoa, O'Neill was President of International Paper Company from 1985 to 1987, where he was vice president from 1977 to 1985. Mr. O'Neill was born in Saint Louis, Missouri, on December 4, 1935. He received a bachelor's degree in Economics from Fresno State College in California, and a master's degree in Public …

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…net income sales of $4.6 billion; it had 35,600 employees and a market cap of $2.9 billion. When Mr. O'Neill retired, Alcoa boasted record profits of $1.5 billion on sales of $22.9 billion and a payroll of 140,000. During his last year as CEO, Mr. O'Neill took home $36.1 million: a $950,400 base salary, a $2 million bonus and $33.1 million in stock options that he exercised. He also holds options in millions of Alcoa shares that the company, in government filings, values at $88.3 million.