Big budget does not mean the blockbuster.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
From the invention of the film, through the time of black and white to color, silence to sound film, about 100 years, the movie becomes one of the most popular entertainment for human. The audience enjoys that the movie provides a different view and a splendid world of imagination, in places most of them have never had the opportunity to visit. Sometimes, it allows us to judge our own surroundings and our own beliefs in new …

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…any other business. The high investment in film production does not ensure they can get the satisfying revenues in box-office. Although those productions seems to have all the rallying points such: famous stars and directors, interesting story, visual effects and well commercial advertisements to become the blockbuster. It is very hard to anticipate which movie will become the blockbuster. The big budget only can built a big movie, but cannot guarantee to be a blockbuster.