Big Media.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
On February 19th, a federal court handed a victory to today's largest American media corporations, stating that limits on the number of stations a network can own would be reconsidered and the regulation that had kept cable operators from owning television stations would be lifted. Executives of large media corporations welcomed the ruling, stating the ownership rules to have become outdated in an era of media consolidation. "We're very pleased the court vacated the cable …

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…a "reporter," several notorious "experts" and very attractive layout. "You gotta balance it out between giving the company what they want, and still making it look like a credible news broadcast," said Matt Bley, a representative for Hi-Impact TV, a VNR company. News organizations, by not identifying the sources of VNRs, erode their own credibility. This also leads to a system where money talks. Only wealthy corporations can afford $25,000 VNRs to create their own news.