Behavior modification plan for the cessation of smoking by college students living on campus

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Running Head: SMOKING CESSATION Smoking Cessation in a student living the campus life Scott Bakalor University of South Florida - Sarasota Abstract Although smoking has long been recognized as a significant health risk factor among the college age person there has not been a plan developed to help this individual to quit smoking in there environment. Most college students living in campus dorms that are current smokers will have a much harder time quitting than …

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…per week. Smoking all cigarettes with there opposite hand than I normally use. Bringing gum with me to use as an oral alternative to cigarettes. My long-term goal is to: Remain smoke free during the rest of my life. I will assess my progress on the desired behavioral change on a weekly basis. Further, I will report my progress to at least two friends and/or peers on a regular basis. Signed: _________________________________________ Date: __________________ Witness: _________________________ Witness: ______________________________