Becoming A Certified Public Accountant: Aspirations of Numbers

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
A music star, an actor, a firefighter, doctor, or even President of the United States, vocations most children dream of. I was one of the "other" children who had dreams of jobs that weren't as glamorous. One day we'll see the "other" children excel as president of a Fortune 500 company, or in my case, managing the company's finances, which really seems to serve as the basis for any business. In the following paragraphs, I will …

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…Accounting and Finance with a minor in Business Administration will provide necessary elements associated with accounting, so that I may be successful in my future endeavor. The CPA profession also offers competitive entry-level salaries and significant long-term growth potential. I aspire to master the rudiments of accounting, which will allow me to pursue my dream of becoming a Certified Public Accountant. Works Cited Kahn, Taskean. Hear From the Experts. 2004. 18 March 2004.