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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The movie "Becket," set in medieval England under the rule of Henry II, is based on the lives of the king and his assistant. The plot centers around two main characters, the King Henry and Thomas Becket, a servant who rises in power quickly and greatly. "Becket" is a story of strong friendship that, due to power and contrasting beliefs, divides into a bitter separation. The storyline began with King Henry II grieving over the …

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…to kill the Archbishop. The men slaughtered both Thomas Becket and his servant inside the Church. The movie shifted back to King Henry's present, in the tomb containing the grave of Thomas Becket. He was being flogged by holy men to repent his sins against the Church and against his dearest friend, Thomas Becket. After his repentance, the Church declared that Becket was a Saint in his beliefs, actions, and strong support of the Church.