Bats and their camoflauge, as well as common bat myths.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Bats: A world of camoflauge NOSE: The sense of smell is well developed in most bats. It is used to find and identify certain foods and to recognize roost mates and young. Fruit eating bats can find their food by the smell of the ripening fruit. Nectar seeking bats gather pollen on their snout, and by going from flower to flower help create new plants. EYES: Bats are not blind! For example, flying fox bats …

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…FLYING MICE, RIGHT? NO! While both bats and mice are mammals, bats are not rodents and are more closely related to primates and people. Besides...mice can't fly! ARE BATS DIRTY AND DO THEY ALL CARRY RABIES? NO! Bats are very clean and groom themselves just like cats. Bats can get rabies, like all mammals, but few ever do. Remember, bats are wild animals. You have nothing to fear if you never touch a bat.