Barry Bonds The Greatest Baseball player today.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Barry Bonds on July 24, 1964 in Riverside, California. He is the son of Bobby Bonds, former outfielder for the San Francisco Giants. His godfather is the Willie Mays, arguably one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Right from the start Barry Bonds was surrounded by baseball. He stayed in the dugout to watch his father play and he learned from his father and godfather how to play the game. For high school, Barry attended …

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…was playing in another universe. He made opposing pitchers look silly. The following year he won the batting title and hit 46 home runs. He also received his third Most Valuable Player award. He lead the Giants all the way to his first World Series. He broke the record for hitting the most home runs in the postseason. Unfortunately the San Francisco Giants fell short, Barry Bonds lived up to his name and did his part.