BMG Entertianment.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
BMG Entertainment, owned by AG Bertelsmann, is one of the big five major recording labels in the industry. Worth $4.6 billion and representing over 200 labels, they are the world's 4th largest media company. They have consistently been one of the leaders in the sales of CDs, yet as the Internet industry grew, their sales continually dropped significantly due to new Internet competitors, their main competition stemming from illegal file sharing sites. After several lawsuits, peer to …

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…service is still made available then people will continue to partake in it. Consumers are always looking for better or faster ways of obtaining material goods, in this case music. Peer to peer sharing is the answer that they have been searching for. Although it was deemed illegal and several sites have created ways to pay and obtain the service, the music industry will continue to fight the battle against inexpensive file sharing among consumers.