BBP Depicted In Girl Inturrupted: This is a paper that compares the movie Girl Inturrupted to the actual symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder.

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There are many movies that depict mental disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and many more. Girl Interrupted portrays several women with different disorders. How precise is this movies to the actual symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, to the disorder? We will discuss and compare these issues. Susanna Kaysen spent two years in a psychiatric hospital, McLean. Twenty-five years after her release she began to write a memoir about her stay. Once it was …

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…open or half closed. Does anyone really know? Maybe she was crazy, maybe it was just the sixties, or maybe she was just a girl… interrupted! Works Cited Borderline Syndrome: A personality Disorder of Our Time, Oliver Tree Production, Inc. 1989. Comer, R.J., Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: 3rd ed. New York, Worth Publishers and W.H. Freeman, 2002. Kreger and Maskon, From Stop Waling on Eggshells, New Harbinger, 1998. Livesley, John, Handbook of Personality Disorders, Guilford Press, 2001.