Australian Court System.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Today's legal system in Australia has federal and state parliaments and court systems. Both the federal and state court systems are arranged in a hierarchy. Each of the courts within the hierarchy are responsible for hearing different matters, have their own jurisdictions and own presiding judges. In Australia we have state and federal laws. Federal laws have authority over affairs concerning the whole country for example telecommunications and immigration, whereas a state jurisdiction presides over …

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…to hear and decide civil cases where the amount in dispute is $50,000 or less. Magistrates Courts cover a number of other specialised areas. There is the Small Claims Tribunal, the Minor Debts Court and Coroners Court. Consequently, we have Federal and State courts systems to deal with the jurisdiction at the two different levels. State courts only have authority over state matters and laws and Federal courts have power over issues concerning the nation's jurisdiction. .