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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Most Australians are governed by three levels of government - local, state and federal. For instance, a family living in Sydney would have the Sydney City Council (local) looking after such things as garbage collection, park maintenance and dog controls. Australians pay their local government by paying 'rates' - paid according to the area and position of any land that you own. They would then be governed by the New South Wales Government, which would …

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…Melbourne, however in 1907 the Federal Parliament moved to Canberra, where it has been ever since. The biggest political debate at the moment in Australia is whether or not Australia should become a republic. This means that Australia would be (in official terms) completely separated from its mother country, England, and would have an Australian Head Of State. This change to a republic could occur as early as the year 2001, exactly one hundred years after Federation.