Assimilating America.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Assimilating America The United States has been called the melting pot of the world. Throughout the last couple centuries, this nation has incorporated many different cultures and people. When reading history one is given information about time periods and past events. This often leaves the reader with a cold, factual account of the time. However it often does not make the reader think about the people who lived during those times. Gertrude Bonnin's, "The School …

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…Clausen Christopher. Faded Mosaic. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000. Daniels, Ron. "Racism: Past and Present." October 1996. Z Media Institute. 2 April 2003. Hansberry, Lorraine. "A Raisin in the Sun." Literary Culture: Reading and Writing Literary Arguments. Ed. Linda Bensel-Meyers, Susan North, and Jeremy Webster. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. 364-371. Tucker, Jeremy. "Carlisle: The Militarism of Assimilation." 2 April 2003.