Assess the impact of Akhenaten's reign on religion and art.

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"Assess the impact of Akhenaten's reign on religion and art" It can not be denied that Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten as he is more widely known, had a very large and significant impact on Egyptian religion and art during his reign as pharaoh. The effects and impacts of his reign spread across many aspects of Egyptian life and ranged from art to religion and politics. In contrast to the many pharaohs that preceded and followed …

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…Press, London  Harris, N, 1997, The History of Ancient Egypt, Chancellor Press, London  Johnson, P, 1999, The Civilization of Ancient Egypt, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London  Freeman, C, 1997, The Legacy of Ancient Egypt, Andromeda Oxford LTD  Gahlin, L, 2001, Egypt Gods, Myths and Religion, Lorenz Books, New York  Akhenaten and the Cult of Aten (Internet), (version current at 24th August 2002)  Lawless, J et al, 1997, Personalities from the Past, Nelson ITP, p 69 (photocopied handout)