"Assess the contributions and impact of Amenhotep III"- a prominent king of the 18th dynasty of ancient egypt

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
During the 38 years of reign by Amenhotep III, Egypt reached what Gardener praises as "a zenith of magnificence." Referred to in his time as "The Dazzling Sun Disk" modern historians have dubbed the prosperity and peace of his period the "Golden Age". However, many argue that upon Amenhotep IIIs accession, solid diplomatic policies established by Amenhotep II and Thutmose IV, along with the conquests of Thutmose III prior to them, had assured that Egypt was …

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…Amenhotep III did not initiate any particular drastic changes to any aspect of his reign and his contributions were improved upon the existing stable foundation of his empire inherited from his predecessors. He was highly successful in his contributions to the administration, foreign policy, building program and religion all of which were vital to the peaceful and prosperous period of his reign. His contributions lead to various impacts, short term, long term, negative and positive.