Artists that commit suicide.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Lots of artist commit suicide due their successful.e.g:Kurt Cobain,Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing.When you become an international artist,you get lots of money,you have a fancy car,an up-to-date clothes and things,but it can't buy you a happiness. Its recall me of the dead of Leslie Cheung (the legend,famous actor and singer in Hongkong)who commits suicide on Tuesday,April 1st.He commits suicide by jump from mandarin …

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…hows they feel,lots of pressures from the media,the fans,and the critism.They judge his life,get in to his personal life,and they messing around with the actor and the actress. When you become an international and famous star,you should travel all around the world,you get jetlag,homesick,faraway from your country,famil,best friend,or even boyfriend and girlfriend.Thats why lot of artist only flirtation with their couple.