Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The whole play is a representation of an aspect of real life. The characters, the events, the relations between the characters are mirroring real life. The play is also representing the failure of the American dream. I would like to give information about some characters in the play, what they represent and what their performance is. I will mainly focus on the main character Willy Loman. Willy has several functions in life. He has the …

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…Willy without expecting anything in return. Charley has a parental function. He has a mature understanding of Willy's problems. Willy is representing everyman in an everyday world. He is a person who had the wrong dreams, the American dream. The American dream destroyed him. In dramaturgical words, this play is about a character who fails to perform his roles in life and therefore ends up in such a confusion that he decides to kill himself.