Art History Approach: "Portrait of Patience Escalier" by Vincent Van Gogh.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
This oil painting is "Portrait of Patience Escalier" by Vincent Van Gogh. It was produced in August 1888 when Van Gogh was a resident in Provence, France. Provence is in south of France, where the weather is intensely sunny. He was extremely inspired by the atmosphere of Provence. Van Gogh left Paris in February and moved in his rented estate in Arles to try to establish an artist colony. The portrait in this painting is of …

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…of an uneasy heat tension. When one looks at the painting, one would feel a sense of sympathy. The expression on the peasant's face looks tired, but yet has a look of acceptance. He seems to have accepted his laborious fate. This work of art is successful in expressing its message. Even though he is old, the old man still has to continue to work to survive. You can't help but feel sorry for him.