Are you popular or not?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Many teenagers ask the question, "What does it take to be like him or her?" It's not as hard as it looks. Everyone wants to be popular yet not everyone knows that they are. It doesn't take a nice car, cute clothes, being pretty, or certain friends to become popular. Everyone is popular in his or her own way. Anyone can be popular, even parents, and it's not hard. Being friendly is an easy way …

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…two cups of friendship, one heart full of love, two handfuls of generosity, and one dash of laughter. Sprinkle it with kindness and mix well. Finally, serve to everyone you meet. Just having a cool car, the right clothes, the right look, and having the right friends is not what it takes to be popular. Next time you are wondering how to be like someone else, remember the recipe to popularity. It will always work!