Apple, the computer of "Yesterday?".

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Apple, the computer of "yesterday?" Steve Wozniak and Steve Job, two good friends from high school started a revolution that will never end. They invented the first Apple computer (1976, the basis for all personal computers to come, the Apple I. It ran on one megahertz and had eight thousand bites of memory and eight bits of pixels on the screen (Levey 5). Much like the people of today, the first testers of the …

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…IIe) *Classic Mac (128k, 512) *iBook *iMac *Macintosh II *Macintosh Centris *Macintosh LC *Macintosh Quadra *Performa *Power book *Power book G3/G4 *Power Mac *Power Mac G3/G4 *servers Bibliography 1. Levey, Stevens. Hackers: Heroes of the computer revolution. Garden City, NY: Anchor press, 1984 2. MacDirectory Interviews: Steve Wozniak, 20 Feb. 2003< 3. Slate, Robert. Portraits in Silicon. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 1987 4., 20 Feb. 2003<