Apple Computers (short)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Apple Computers Apple computers started out with two men. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac. In the 70's these two men drop out of college to build computers. They built their own personal computers in the garage of their parents in Palo Alto. At the same time Bill Gates was in college also. He was working on creating a computer language, which helps run pc. These two groups where soon to meet each other in the …

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…dollars ahead of any other company out there at that time. Bill Gates was let in to help out with their computers. But Steve was reluctant enough to let him. Bill stole some of their information for their operating system. Because of that Bill was able to apply it to IBM's computers and made his company Microsoft in to such a huge company. He made his software licensed so he was able to make billions.