Antigone 4

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Antigone is a play that mainly deals with differences amongst characters that cause life long drawbacks and a threatening resolutions. The drama is portrayed through Antigone's and Creon's characters, who undoubtedly resemble each other. Although they try to be masters of their own fate and eventually succumb to grieving outcomes, they both seem to have the values of a tragic hero. Although, they have their differences, their battle with one another illustrates them both as …

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…morals did not get him anywhere, it exemplifies a lesson to be learned. It shows one cannot avoid fate. What happens in life is meant to happen by a higher power up above and unfortunately science cannot even explain. In spite of everything, Antigone's character reveals how much she would do to prove her love for someone else. Yet absolute power does corrupt absolutely. Creon just did not realize this until it was too late.