Anthropology Lab, a scientific project about White Handed Gibbions, (Apes) and explores their grooming habbits.

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Anthropology Lab May 14, 2000 Introduction White Handed Gibbons are in the Primate Order of the Hylobatidae Family of the lesser apes, in the Genus Hylobates (which includes all 11 species of gibbons) from the H. lar Species. (Rumbaugh, 1973) H. lar is found in the middle and upper stories of deciduous monsoon and evergreen rain forests of southern Burma, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Sunderland, and North Sumatra. (Rumbaugh, 1974) Gibbons are though to be magnamous although recent studies have …

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…shows that Honey and Coco participate in social grooming 92% of the time, while only grooming themselves 8% of the time. Conclusion This study supports the hypothesis that H. lar spend more time grooming eachother than grooming themselves. This supports previous and well accepted idea that grooming is an important means ofsocializing among gibbons. Social grooming is believed to reinforce a vital social bond necessary if the two are to some day mate and produce offspring. (Leighton, 1987)