Annie Dillard's "Handed My Own Life"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Title: A Family of One With much enthusiasm and ease, Annie Dillard's "Handed My Own Life" tells us a story that many children may relate to. The excitement and wonder that ensnared her mind when Dillard laid her eyes on the much anticipated microscope she received for Christmas, as well as its "ingenious devices," (Chaffee 50) is practically unbearable. In this essay Dillard not only tells us, but shows us the impact of her first scientific …

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…in her life: "No, we have been as usual asking the wrong question. It does not matter a hoot what the mockingbird on the chimney is singing. The real and proper question is: Why is it beautiful?" ( Dillard comes to realize her admiration of science was not because she wanted to find reason or an explanation of why things do what they do; her amazement with science is its secret beauty within.