Anna Knight

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Anna Knight lived a long and prosperous life. During her lifetime, she accomplished many things and did a lot of great things for the church and her community. She was born in 1874 in Mississippi, but her family was originally from Georgia where her mother was born a slave. The white man who bought the family was named Knight, and he moved the family to Mississippi. Obviously, he also gave the family their name. When slavery …

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…to return again to the Southeastern Conference as a field secretary. She remained in this position until December of 1945, when the black conferences were organized. In total, Anna Knight worked for 16 union presidents, 38 local conference presidents, 8 union Sabbath school and home missionary secretaries, 22 union education and missionary volunteer secretaries and 5 union colored secretaries. She lived for 98 years, and died in 1972 at the Riverside Sanitarium. She is buried on the Knight's family plot near Soso Mississippi.