Animal Testing

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
By 6:00 this evening, hundreds of animals will have had their eyes, skin, or gastrointestinal systems burned or destroyed to produce new versions of deodorant, hairspray, lipstick, and nail polish. Anesthesia is rarely administered, and these poor animals can suffer in agony for up to 168 hours. If they survive these tests, they are killed or forced to suffer through more testing. All this in the United States, where cruel and unusual punishment goes against the Constitution. …

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…many alternatives now available, we should not keep this cruel and outdated practice alive. An easy way to end testing is to boycott companies that continue to test on animals. You can get a listing of these companies from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Visit their web site at or write them at P.O. Box 42516, Washington, DC 20015. If we end animal testing, billions of animal lives will be saved.