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Essay Database > Entertainment
After 4 years hard working, 30 million dollars in acquiring Angiomax, further R&D, and initiate marketing test, in order to successfully market the first flagship drug Angiomax, the Medicines Company now have a couple of decisions to make in terms of initial pricing, segmentation, marketing strategies, etc (see exhibit 1). Decision I: At what initial price should Angiomax be offered to the market? Which segments should be targeted first? Why? In order to successfully market …

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…different product versions would need to be explored as a defense against generic drug competition. MDCO could also try to penetrate the global marketplace during this period. We expect competitive reactions from Heparin to be minimal since they cannot compete on effectiveness and even if prices drop to $1/dose, the value proposition from Angiomax is still attractive. However, we do expect competition from other pharmaceutical companies in the anticoagulant product market for coronary heart diseases.