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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Greek and Roman spirit influenced the book Aeneid in many ways. Virgil made Aeneas' behavior such that he was fully qualified to be called a Roman hero. Aeneas reflected very few Greek traits. He was very much the "Roman hero."Greek heroes were very different from Roman heroes. Will Durant, author of Caesar and Christ says, "It (the Aeneid) would also show the role of Roman character in these achievements and seek to make …

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…tried to call a truce and he offered to conclude the war by challenging Turnus. He did not make this offer because Turnus killed Pallas, but because Turnus started the war. Roman spirit was the major influence of the Aeneid. Unlike the Greek heroes, Aeneas did not let is emotions interfere with his goals. This trait helped him to accomplish his goal even though Aeneas did not get to see Rome after all his sacrifices.