Ancient egyptian civilization from 3100-32bc.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Ancient Egypt Between 3100 and 332 B.C was the rise and climax of one of the richest and oldest ancient civilizations. It's lifeline was the Nile river in the Nile valley. Here, Egyptian dynasties ruled from the first cataract of the Nile to the Mediterranean Sea. At the it's height it ruled an empire that reached from Syria in the east to Nubia in the south. In this report I will be covering the Archaic Period, …

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…B.C The Babylonians conquered Egypt, then in 539 B.C the Persians defeated the Babylonians and conquered Egypt. Then finally in 332 B.C Alexander the Great of Macedonia Conquered Egypt and built his city of Alexandria. Conclusion In conclusion I think Egypt is by far the least warlike civilization of it's time. I think this because it only fighted invaders and not until the New Kingdom did it conquer foreign lands on the large scale.