Ancient Egypt - Spartan religion speech (refered to sources)

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Sparta- An ancient city in Greece, the capital of Laconia and the most powerful state of the Peloponnese. In Sparta religion was a way of bringing the community together and uniting the Gods with the everyday political and social institutions of the Spartan state. The mythical twin Spartan heroes the Dioscuri Castor and Pollux were particularly important to the Spartans. Other Gods that were worshipped by the Spartans were Apollo Larneios, Apollo Chalkioikos, Helen, Leucippide …

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…neighbors, helots and Spartans gathered in one place and cut their foreheads and grieved loudly. If the king had died in battle, the town made as image of him and carried it on a bier. After the burial, for 10 days there was no meeting for market, or selection of magistrates. The fact that the Spartans were so solemn of their religion and festivals is one reason why they were so different from other Greek cities.