Ancient Chinese Medicine How was medicine practised in Ancient China? What methodes did they use?

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Ancient Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine was an effort made by several people which contributed to the advancement in this field. The Book of Rites, a manual for ceremonies written in the Zhou dynasty (1100 BC -256 BC), records the court physicians' division of medical teaching into internal medicine, surgery, nutrition and veterinary practice. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, which appeared during the Warring States period (475- 221 BC), systematically presented what was known in China …

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…to be present to act as a catalyst. The healing power of the ingredients found in these natural herbal formulas has never been doubted by most Asians. The difficulty in utilising many of these ancient formulas has been determining which formulas work with the individual person. TCM describes a formula based upon the individual being treated as opposed to Western practices where treatments and preventatives are tested for their effectiveness on a group of people.