Analyze Proton based on its financial performance from 2001-2005

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Abstract This report is prepared to analyze Proton based on its financial performance from 2001-2005, in order to determine whether the company is appealing for investors. Therefore, we have put forward constructive recommendation in order to make the company attractive for investment. Content 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................... 2 2.0 PROFITBILITY RATIOS............................................. 3 3.0 ASSET UTILIZATION(efficiency) RATIOS...................... 5 4.0 LIQUIDITY RATIOS................................................... 7 5.0 GEARING RATIOS.................................................... 8 6.0 INVESTOR RATIOS................................................... 9 7.0 LIMITATION............................................................ 10 8.0 CONCLUSION......................................................... 11 9.0 RECOMMENDATION................................................ 12 REFERENCE APPENDIX 1.0 Introduction Perusahaan Otomobile Nasional Berhad, or PROTON, was incorporated on 7th May 1983 to manufacture, …

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…lt;Tab/>--<Tab/>--<Tab/>--<Tab/> 0.93<Tab/> 1.47 P/E Ratio(times)<Tab/>--<Tab/>--<Tab/>--<Tab/> 9.6<Tab/> 5.3 Appendix 2: key financial indicators Appendix 3: Balance sheet Appendix 4: Income statement Appendix 5: cash flow statement Appendix 6: Notes