Analytical Response to a Visual Image.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Analytical Response to a Visual Image As I was scanning through Adbusters, I found one page with a captivating picture. This picture was flooded with text that appealed to me. Superimposed on this page was a drawing of a human body and setting on the shoulders was a television for a head. Where the mouth and nose should appear was the caption "A wasted life" appearing within the T.V. screen. Around the drawing are …

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…inking processes cannot save us from. To the degree that we are thinking as we watch T.V., a small degree at best, the images pass through anyway and enter our mind. There they remain and we cannot tell, for sure, which images are of our own, and which came from other far off sources. Reality has merged with imagination and we have lost control of our images. We have lost control of our minds.