Analysis of the use of music in advertising.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Introduction Music has been known for centuries to have a powerful effect on human responses. In the social science context, music is particularly known for its effectiveness in triggering moods and communicating nonverbally. Many marketing practitioners already accept this notion, given that music is increasingly used as a stimulus in the retail environment as well as in radio and television advertising. Music has been shown to affect consumer behaviours, particularly shopper behaviour (Milliman, 1986), as well …

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…H (1990) Musical demographics, American Demographics, August Stewart, David W. and David H. Furse (1986), Effective Television Advertising. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Stout, Patricia and John D. Leckenby (1988), "Let the Music Play: Music as a Nonverbal Element in Television Commercials," in Nonverbal Communication in Advertising, Sidney Hecker and David W. Stewart, eds. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 207-33. Yalch, R.F. and Spangenberg, E. (1993) Using store music for retail zoning: a field experiment, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 20