Analysis of the play 'After the Ball' by David Williamson.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
The play, After the Ball by David Williamson, is primarily about the disappointments and realities that test a suburban Australian family in a time of mystifying social revolution. Much of the dramatic action within the play derives from misunderstandings between characters and their opposing beliefs about what it means to be Australian. These differing beliefs lead to tension of relationships between the characters Stephen, Judy and Ron. The conflicts and dilemmas within these relationships lead …

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…with his progress in life. Therefore, the conflicts, misunderstandings and dilemma's within After the Ball all led to Stephen's progression to elucidation. The characters misunderstanding each other's beliefs led to conflict, which in turn thwarted the characters from sharing intimate moments. However, a forced intimate moment between characters led to dilemma, and eventually clarification. It is through the interplay between relationships and the tensions that exist there that the experience of dramatic meaning was created.