Analysis of Kodak's globalization attempts

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
To enter the global arena, Kodak has shifted its emphasis from film to imaging. By doing so, Kodak has made technology a focus of its new strategy. This is evident through Kodak's recent entry into the field of digital cameras and digital imaging. Also, Kodak realized that the quality of the pictures from special occasions, such as weddings and birthdays, were most important to customers, along with the ease of making enlargements. This lead Kodak …

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…by seeing what can be done to attract more potential customers. He follows the trends of the future and is always willing to change the company in order to adapt to these trends. This is evident through Kodak's attempt to enter the digital technology market. Everything in electronics, more or less, is going digital and Fisher's idea to emphasize this in Kodak's company strategy is an effective way to re-establish itself in the camera market.