Analysing the Australian 2002-03 Budget.

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
A budget is an estimate of Commonwealth revenue and expenditure for the forthcoming fiscal year. The Budget contains information on matters such as economic forecasts, the provision of G/S, the Government's social/political priorities and how the Government intends to attain these priorities. The main objectives of the federal government are to gain full employment of people 15-over who are willing and able to work price stability - government attempting to maintain stable prices …

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…will be stronger and the funding of government services will be spread more evenly across the population Welfare reforms will encourage more people to join the workforce by providing greater opportunities for those who have some capacity to work. Forward planning is important to face the challenges of population ageing and increased costs of accessing the latest medical advancements. Future spending pressures will need to be managed so the quality of life continues to improve.