Analyse some of the ways in which the visual elements of the text such as camera angles, backgrounds used and framing present ideology.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
1)Analyse some of the ways in which the visual elements of the text such as camera angles, backgrounds used and framing present ideology. Ideology is often referred to as the system of ideas, values and beliefs which an individual or group holds to be true or important. The use of technical codes such as, camera angles, use of background and framing clearly reveal ideology, for example consider a short scene from Friends. The establishing shot …

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…house is flooded, to do it in the bedroom where sleeping usually takes place disrupts the idea of realism. Sitcoms are popular because they appear true to life this comes from realism of performance, sets, costume and plots. The realism of sitcoms is enhanced by the use of everyday life for example love, family, work and quarrels. The home and family is a common situation used by sitcoms, which again introduces realism into the programme.