An indepth research paper on emotional child abuse, as well as a variety of alarming statistics and a bibliography,

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Child Abuse According to the book Adult Children of Abusive Parents, physical abuse is "any non accidental physical injury, including ones that result in bruises, welts, broken bones, scars, or serious internal injuries." Imagine you are a young eight year old child, you're life is pretty average; you go to school, come home and do homework. Only one thing sets you apart from your classmates, you have bruises to cover up, they don't. Imagine coming …

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…or was it my nature to take a bad time, block out good times, until any success became an accident and failure seemed the only truth?" Bibliography 1. Childhelp USA national statistics and pamphlet 2. Farmer, Steven M.A, M.F.C.C., Adult Children of Abusive Parents , Los Angeles: Lowell House, 1989 3. Forward, Dr. Susan, Toxic Parents , New York: Bantam Books, 1989 4. Porterfield, Kay, Violent Voices 12 steps to Freedom from Emotional and Verbal Abuse , Florida: Health Communication, Inc., 1989