An explanation of Donald Davidson's review of anomalous monism.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
This review of Davidson's theory of 'anomalous monism' serves to answer four main questions in consecutive order. Namely, what does Davidson mean in saying that the mental is anomalous? Why does he think that the mental is anomalous? What does Davidson mean by psycho-physical laws and finally; Why does he think that there are no psycho-physical laws? In answering these questions I shall give a full review of Davidson's theory a well as highlighting several …

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…lawlike in the sense that they are confirmed by their instances, but they cannot be sharpened into strict laws which are free of exceptions without radically shifting the vocabulary used to define them. It is very difficult to refute the idea that there can be no psycho-physical laws. The indisputable idea of the mental being a totally separate, incomparable realm to the physical leads me to agree with Davidonson about the impossibility of psycho-physical laws.